A series of three images featuring children at a solar water project station. On the left, a girl in a blue shirt smiles, holding a glass of water. The middle shows boys in blue shirts drinking water from taps. On the right, two girls hold glasses of water, standing in front of the OASIS Box


An estimated 900,000 Rohingya refugees are currently living in overcrowded camps in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. These refugees have endured endless challenges and dismal living conditions over the years, with clean water and adequate sanitation remaining a constant concern.

In 2019 alone, over 64,000 cases of waterborne diarrhea were reported in the camps, with 40% of cases involving children under five years old. The COVID-19 outbreak has further exacerbated health outbreaks, and limited access to safe drinking water.

Bondh-E-Shams organization has taken steps to uplift these marginalized communities by deploying OASIS Boxes in the camps. Our Boxes are placed at children’s learning centers, with the goal of directly impacting the children who have been most affected by the water crisis. Thousands of refugees now have immediate access to safe drinking water in several camps across Cox’s Bazaar.

Charitable donations, and contributions can help provide safe drinking water, and improve the quality of life for those in need. Bondh E Shams can create a difference today if you are willing to make donations to one of our virtual donation centers for clean drinking water.

*estimated based local community demographics.