Approximately 28% of the total population in Afghanistan uses safely managed drinking water services.(World Bank)
Only 42% of people in Afghanistan have access to safe drinking water, and only 27% of the rural population has access to sanitation facilities; resulting in diarrheal outbreaks that claim the lives of an estimated 85,000 children under the age of five annually. (USAID)
Access to basic drinking water in urban areas is much higher (94.3%) than in rural areas where only 68.2 % have access. (SDGs-UN)
The risks associated with diarrhoeal infections have increased over the years in Afghanistan, where approximately 1.2 million children are malnourished, and 41% of children are stunted. (UNICEF)
According to UNICEF , around 8 out of every 10 people in Afghanistan use contaminated water, and 93% of the children (15.6 million) live in areas with high-water vulnerability.
According to a report titled “Afghanistan: WASH on the Brink” nearly 40% of schools do not have basic drinking water services, and the remaining 60% are exposed to bacteriologically contaminated water.